Integrated Case Management System (ICMS)

ICMS Overview

Integrated caseload management is the accurate classification of offenders with the ability of applying adequate agency and treatment resources. Caseload management allows for high risk offenders to be supervised appropriately, while matching treatment resources to the severity of offender problems. This enables agencies to match or equate problem severity with treatment intensity. In other words, probation departments can better meet client (offender/probationer) needs, while concurrently managing staff and budgetary resources.

Designed specifically for probation departments by David Wegner, a retired probation officer and administrator, the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) is a state-of-the-art, full-featured caseload tracking and information management system. ICMS is a web-based solution supporting data integrity that simplifies and assists in the coordination of caseload/workload management. ICMS also assists in coordinating case planning, as well as, case management. Incorporated within this ICMS are modules, which provide criminal justice professionals the necessary tools to manage and supervise adult offenders.

*** ICMS can be modified to fit individual state or department probation requirements. ***

ICMS includes the following functions:

  • Accurately assess offender risk and needs
  • Helps in the development of service plans
  • Matches problem severity (when present) with equivalent treatment intensity
  • Monitors probation progress.
  • Serves as an even-handed or rational offender advocate

ICMS manages the following:

Offender intake


Documented referrals

Court data


Probation violations

Victim contact & restitution

Officer alerts

Discharge planning


These unsolicited testimonials represent probation officers reactions to the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS).

"I really like the system and it was a pleasure testing it. It functions so well for the probation officer and their administrator." - Tara Price

"I really liked it and I especially liked the Dashboard with all its functions such as Officer Alerts, etc. The system was well organized and user friendly. I also like the visuals which support case planning and caseload management." - Ross Tomjack

"Great Job! Thank you for your high quality work in preparing the ICMS. It will be invaluable as the only tool probation officers will need to effectively manage their workload. As a tool for probation adminstrators, theICMS is a game changer." - Karen Wegner

Used in conjunction with an Online Testing assessment account, ICMS becomes a valuable case management tool with assessment and classification capabilities. These functions coupled with the system's ability to generate meaningful reports assist probation departments by using evidence-based principles and standards.

Behavior Data Systems (BDS) is proud of its impressive support services reputation. ICMS and assessment needs may emerge or change over time. BDS is responsive to staff orientation and training needs, staff turnover, policy and procedural changes, etc. and strives to positively adjust to these needs as they emerge. In other words, support services are an important part of our ICMS and assessment services.

Behavior Data System, Ltd

Integrated Case Management System (ICMS)

A strength-based Integrated Case Management System which has a sequential set of activities which include, but are not limited to:

  1. Assessing offender risk and needs.
  2. Developing a service plan.
  3. Link the offender to appropriate services or treatment that matches the intensity of the offender's risk and needs.
  4. Monitoring the client's progress.
  5. Enhancing intervention.
  6. Advocating for the offender as needed.

Case PLanning/Caseload Management

The ICMS provides a Case Planning module. Case Planning refers to the accurate assessment and classification of offenders, with the ability to apply suitable agency and treatment resources. Case planning ensures high risk offenders are supervised appropriately while matching treatment resources to the intensity of their problem. Conversely, low risk offenders will not be over-supervised. This enables the department to appropriately manage staff and budgetary resources.

A Case Management module is provided which supports standardized levels of intervention. This allows for a seamless continuum of services while applying appropriate levels of supervision. The ICMS supplies a module which meets these standards and assists the agency with their goal of reducing recidivism.

Our Goals

The Integrated Case Management System is a full-featured Case Management System. Incorporated within the ICMS are these modules which provide criminal justice professionals the necessary tools to manage and supervise adult offenders:

  • Assessment/Classification
  • Documented Referrals
  • Court Data
  • Warrants
  • Probation Violations
  • Victim Contact and Restitution
  • Officer Alerts
  • Discharge Planning
  • Interstate Transfers

Used with your account, the ICMS is the single Case Management tool to propel you to Evidenced Based Practices. The assessment and classification capabilities are reliable and accurate. Plus, it generates detailed and accurate reports which consolidate all offender information at your fingertips.


The process is simple and easy. Go to and click on the "Open an Account" link in the upper right corner of the Home Page.

After filling out the required information (agency name, address, phone number, etc.) click on the "Submit" button near the bottom.

If you don't want to wait for a response, the direct telephone number is on the left of the "Open an Account" form (upper right corner of the Home Page_. Simply call either (602) 234-3506 or 1(800)231-2401 for ICMS Tech Support to set-up your account. Tech support is available Monay through Friday and it takes on average one business day to set-up your basic account. This set-up of your account is done by Behavior Data Systems (BDS) staff. And there is no cost or fee for this ICMS account. After ICMS Tech Support sets up your account, the volume (size) of your probation department determines how long it will take you to add needed information (probation officers, staff, administrators, etc.).


The Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) is available free (or at no cost) to Probation Departments that use Behavior Data Systems (BDS) tests. To qualify, the department needs to adminster a minimum of twelve (12) or more BDS tests each month (after initial setup). This minimum can involve the same BDS test or different BDS tests. BDS tests cost $9.95 each. Each BDS test has its own website and these websites are listed at


The ICMS is also available to Probation Departments that do not use BDS tests. This affordable monthly ICMS fee is based on the total number of departmental staff, which includes probation department adminstrators, chief probation officers, and probation officers. Staff totals can be readjusted as needed on a quarterly basis.

Monthly ICMS Fees

Probation Departments That Do Not Use BDS Tests

Number of Probation Officers Per Month Per Year Required Test Usage Minimums For Free ICMS
1-10 $250/month $3,000/year 12 tests/mo
11-30 $350/month $4,200/year 25 tests/mo
31-50 $450/month $5,400/year 35 tests/mo
51-100 $600/month $7,200/year 45 tests/mo
101-200 $700/month $8,400/year 55 tests/mo
201-300 $850/month $10,200/year 65 tests/mo
300+ $950/month $11,400/year 70 tests/mo