All Risk & Needs Assessment, Inc. test users are registered by Risk & Needs before they can use Risk & Needs' tests. The Risk & Needs Test User Agreement is presented when you click on the Risk & Needs Test User Agreement link. It should be understood that some courts, departments and statewide organizations use more comprehensive testing program agreements, and they are used where applicable.
Some Risk & Needs Assessment, Inc. website visitors want to print a copy of the Risk & Needs Test User Agreement so they can complete it and fax it (or mail it) to Risk & Needs. To make this printing task easier, we have included printing instructions.
The above printing instructions should go smoothly. However, if you have any questions please e-mail, fax, write or call Risk & Needs. We can also fax or mail the Risk & Needs agreement to you.
Many defendants, offenders and probationers engage in denial, problem minimization and equivocation when tested or evaluated. Truthfulness Scales enable assessors and evaluators to determine if the person being assessed or evaluated was truthful. Client truthfulness and the need for Truthfulness Scales is discussed in the... Read More
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When you click the "Order Now" button you are automatically connected to a screen where you will input all the information needed to order new tests. Click here for Order Now