Upon request, a one-test, examination kit is available to interested parties, on a 30-day, cost-free basis. All, Behavior Data Systems (BDS) tests are available in examination kits; however, test users are limited to one, examination kit at a time. Provision of additional examination kits is decided on a case-by-case basis. Examination kits are in Windows format.
To review an examination kit, please complete the online request form provided below. To provide an examination kit to interested parties, we need a fully completed, request form. We also need your e-mail address to convey any future update information.
Many defendants, offenders and probationers engage in denial, problem minimization and equivocation when tested or evaluated. Truthfulness Scales enable assessors and evaluators to determine if the person being assessed or evaluated was truthful. Client truthfulness and the need for Truthfulness Scales is discussed in the... Read More
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When you click the "Order Now" button you are automatically connected to a screen where you will input all the information needed to order new tests. Click here for Order Now