Reading Impaired Assessment
Approximately 20+ percent of the people evaluated and tested in the United States are reading impaired. Test publishers and test administrators can not continue, in good faith, to ignore these reading impairment issues.
Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. (BDS) and its subsidiaries Risk & Needs Assessment, Inc. (Risk & Needs) and Professional Online Testing Solutions, Inc. (Online Testing) design, research and offer tests for specific client, patient and offender groups. Each of these publishers has taken steps to address this "reading impairment assessment" issue.
Historically, short forms of tests were developed. The rationale was shorter tests may be easier to complete. Nevertheless, some words continue to need definition and explanation. BDS and its subsidiaries have developed "short forms" of many of their tests. However, even with short forms reading tests to clients involves rather lengthy staff time commitments, while opening the door to related time consuming discussions. Tape recorded test playback is cumbersome largely due to the respondent-recorder interface, procedural questions, frequent on-off actions and emotional support of endeavor involved. That said, many assessors agree that shorter tests, reading tests to the clients, and playing tape-recordings of tests continues to be worthwhile. After considerable research and development BDS and its subsidiaries automated the reading of their tests in a proprietary program called Human Voice Audio.
Human Voice Audio
Human Voice Audio is a proprietary computerized test presentation program that is available to BDS (and its subsidiaries) test users at no additional cost or free. Human Voice Audio helps overcome many test-related reading impairment and cultural difference issues. It is available in English and Spanish. In brief, a person's passive vocabulary (what a person hears and understands) is usually greater than their active (spoken) vocabulary. Having test instructions, test questions and answers read out loud in the client's (patient, offender) native or dominant language helps reduce communication and cultural issues.
Human Voice Audio requires a computer with a CD Rom drive when used with BDS ( or Risk & Needs Assessment, Inc. ( Windows (diskettes or USB flash drives) programs. In contrast, Online-Testing ( does not require a CD Rom drive.
Easy to follow Human Voice Audio instructions are provided. The client, patient or offender sits at a computer with earphones. Earphones enhance clarity, minimize distractions and reduces distracting other people working in the area.
The arrow keys allow clients' to easily switch back and forth between questions and answers. The client can only go back one question for corrections. Automated (computerized) testing is faster than traditional paper-pencil testing. Each question or answer is highlighted on the computer screen (monitor) as it is simultaneously read to the client in English or Spanish. The client can go back-and-forth as many times as needed for clarification. When the client selects an answer the program advances to the next question. Human Voice Audio can be provided in other languages. For information on Human Voice Audio or providing it in other languages call 1 (800) 231-2401.
Human Voice Audio is not a solution to reading impaired assessment problems. However, it is a beginning or one step forward. Interested researchers are encouraged to contact us. BDS and its subsidiaries would like to participate in "reading impaired assessment" research. In other words we would like to partner with interested parties.
If you have questions or would like more information contact us at or 1 (800) 231-2401.