The purpose of this website is to assist interested parties (evaluators, counselors, treatment staff, mental health professionals, program administrators, etc.) identify evidence based assessment instruments or tests that will meet their needs.

Tests are organized according to alphabetically arranged annotated test paragraphs. For the most part, names identify the client, patient or offender group that the test is designed to evaluate.

Interested parties scan down the adult list of tests until they come upon tests that are of interest to them. Each tests descriptive paragraph helps focus one’s search. Then more detailed information is provided in the website that is cited at the end of each tests descriptive paragraph.

Adult tests are represented by name and that tests name is a link to that tests website. To begin your search, click on any of the following Test links below.

Alcohol Drug Screen

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The ADS focuses explicitly on alcohol and drug use. It determines if the client was truthful while completing the test. Then it interprets the Alcohol Scale and Drugs Scale findings with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) Substance Abuse & Dependency scales. And it measures how well the client manages stress. The Alcohol-Drug-Screen incorporates six (6) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Alcohol Scale, 3. Drugs Scale, 4. DSM-IV Substance Abuse Scale, 5. DSM-IV Substance Dependency Scale and 6. Stress Management Scale. It consists of 116 questions and takes 20 to 25 minutes to complete. From test data (answers) input, scored and printed Alcohol-Drug-Screen reports are available on-site within 2½ minutes.

Anger Management Profile

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Designed for court, anger assessment and treatment settings. The AMP is particularly useful in substance (alcohol and other drugs) abuse-related cases. It has 123 items and takes 25 minutes to complete. The five Anger Management Profile scales (measures) include: 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Anger Scale, 3. Alcohol Scale, 4. Anger Management Scale and 5. Drugs Scale. The AMP evaluates the client's test taking attitude and identifies faking. It measures substance use and the severity of abuse. The scale score recommendations are in accordance with problem severity. It also quantifies anger (violence) potential.

Defendant Questionnaire

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Applications: Defendant (misdemeanor and felony) assessment in courts, risk and needs screening, adult (male and female) drug court test, substance abuse evaluation, adult probation and community corrections programs. The DQ has seven (7) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence (Lethality) Scale, 3. Antisocial Scale, 4. Alcohol Scale, 5. Drugs Scale, 6. DSM-IV Substance Abuse/Dependency Scale and 7. Stress Coping Abilities (Stress Management) Scale. The DQ has 162 items and takes on average 35 minutes to complete. DQ reports are computer scored and printed within 2½ minutes of data (answers) entry.

Domestic Violence Inventory

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Applications: Designed for people accused or convicted of domestic violence. The DVI evaluates violence potential, assesses control issues, quantifies substance (alcohol and other drugs) abuse and measures stress coping or management abilities. The DVI has six (6) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence (Lethality) Scale, 3. Control Scale, 4. Alcohol Scale, 5. Drugs Scale and 6. Stress Coping Abilities Scale. The DVI consists of 155 items and takes 30 minutes to complete.

The DVI Pre-Post measures domestic violence offender counseling-treatment effectiveness or outcome. The same test is administered at intake (pretest) and again at program completion (posttest) The pretest serves as a baseline. The computer compares pretest and posttest scores and generates a comparison report. The DVI Pre-Post consists of 147 items and takes 30 minutes to complete. The DVI Pre-Post has (6) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence (Lethality) Scale, 3. Control Scale, 4. Alcohol Scale, 5. Drugs Scale and 6. Stress Coping Abilities Scale. To accurately measure attitude and behavioral change, historical (court and treatment) items are minimized. If you want to know if domestic violence treatment was effective, we recommend you consider the DVI Pre-Post.

Driver Impairment Index

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The Driver Impairment Index (DII) is designed specifically for California DUI providers or assessors. The DII has three (3) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Alcohol Scale, and a 3. Drugs Scale. The DII consists of 64 items, takes 9 or 10 minutes to complete, and can be administered individually or in groups. It can be administered in paper-pencil test booklet format or on a computer screen. Regardless of how administered, all DII tests are scored over the internet with reports printed on-site within three (3) minutes. This evidence based test has impressive evidence based reliability, validity and accuracy.

Driver Risk Inventory 2

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The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is the highest federal authority in the DUI/DWI field. After reviewing the major DUI/DWI offender tests, NHTSA rated the Driver Risk Inventory (DRI), the best (DOT HS 807 475). Now, after years of additional research the DRI has been improved. The DSM-5 substance use disorder has been added, and the length of the test has been shortened, while improving its already impressive reliability, validity, and accuracy. This improved test is the Driver Risk Inventory-2 (DRI-2). The DRI-2 consists of 113 test items and takes 25 minutes to complete. The six DRI-2 scales (measures) are: 1) Truthfulness Scale, 2) Alcohol Scale, 3) Drug Scale, 4) DSM-5-Substance Use Disorder, 5) Driver Risk Scale, and 6) Stress Management Scale.

Gambler Addiction Index

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The Gambler Addiction Index (GAI) is a gambler assessment or test. The GAI assesses important gambler attitudes and behaviors. Gamblers often have substance (alcohol or drugs) abuse problems, stress handling difficulties and other emotional conflicts. Gamblers have a higher incidence of suicide than other clinical groups. And many gamblers are notorious liars. The GAI consists of 166 items and takes 35 minutes to complete. The GAI has seven (7) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Gambling Severity Scale, 3. Suicide Scale, 4. DSM-IV Gambler Scale, 5. Alcohol Scale, 6. Drugs Scale, and 7. Stress Coping Abilities Scale. It is estimated that there are more than 12 million problem gamblers in the United States alone.

Offender Assessment Index

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Applications: The Offender Assessment Index (OAI) is designed for use with incarcerated (male and female) adults. Individuals detained for extended periods of time in jails, detention centers, prisons, etc. are assessed to determine their status and needs. The OAI consists of 158 items and takes on average 30 to 35 minutes to complete. The OAI has seven (7) measures (scales): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence (Lethality) Scale, 3. Resistance Scale, 4. Alcohol Scale, 5. Drugs Scale, 6. DSM-IV Substance Abuse/Dependency Scale and 7. Stress Coping Abilities Scale.

Parolee Inventory

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Designed for parolee assessment. The PI has 135 items and takes 30 to 35 minutes to complete. The PI has eight (8) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence (Lethality) Scale, 3. Antisocial Scale, 4. Distress Scale, 5. Self-Esteem Scale, 6. Alcohol Scale, 7. Drug Scale, and 8. Stress Coping Abilities Scale. The Parolee Inventory is an objective, comprehensive and standardized, screening instrument that examines important attitudes and behaviors. The PI provides an objective, on-site, second opinion, in a timely manner.

Pre-Post Inventory

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The Pre-Post Inventory is an objective treatment effectiveness or outcome test. The same test is administered at program intake (pretest) and program completion (posttest). The pretest is the baseline against which the posttest is compared and the computer generates a Comparison Report. The Pre-Post Inventory assesses counseling-treatment program effectiveness. The Pre-Post Inventory consists of 148 items and takes 30 minutes to complete. It has seven (7) measures (scales): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Self-Esteem Scale, 3. Resistance Scale, 4. Distress Scale, 5. Alcohol Scale, 6. Drugs Scale and 7. Stress Coping Abilities Scale. The Pre-Post Inventory is a counseling/treatment effectiveness test. For more information (unique features, cost, example report, etc.)

Probation Referral Outcome

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Courts and probation officers refer many probationers to counseling and treatment programs. In the past it was assumed that the probationer was rehabilitated, positively changed or cured because they completed their mandatory treatment. Recent research shows this assumption is often wrong. Some probationers do not change. The Probation Referral Outcome (PRO) is a counseling or treatment outcome effectiveness test. It assesses treatment change. PRO is administered twice: before treatment (pretest) and after treatment (posttest). The pretest becomes the baseline for posttest comparison. Upon posttest a Comparison Report is generated. The PRO has eight (8) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence Scale, 3. Alcohol Scale, 4. Drugs Scale, 5. Depression Scale, 6. Anxiety Scale, 7. Self-Esteem Scale and 8. Stress Management Scale. For more PRO information (description, cost and an example report).The Probation Referral Outcome (PRO) helps answer the question “was counseling or treatment effective?”

Sexual Adjustment Inventory

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The Sexual Adjustment Inventory (SAI) is a reliable and valid test for evaluating people accused or convicted of sex offenses. Many sex offenders attempt to minimize their problems or try to "fake good". There are the two Truthfulness Scales: Sex Item Truthfulness and Test Item Truthfulness. Scale interpretation is discussed on the SAI's webpage in BDS’S website The SAI consists of 225 items and takes 45 minutes to an hour to complete. The SAI has thirteen (13) scales (measures): 1. Sex Item Truthfulness, 2. Sexual Adjustment Scale, 3. Child (Pedophile) Molest Scale, 4. Incest Classification, 5. Exhibitionism Scale, 6. Sexual (Rape) Assault Scale, 7. Test Item Truthfulness Scale, 8. Violence (Lethality) Scale, 9. Antisocial Scale, 10. Distress Scale, 11. Impulsiveness Scale, 12. Alcohol and 13. Drugs Scale. The SAI is standardized on thousands of adult (male and female) sex offenders. The SAI has proven reliability, validity, and accuracy. For more information (unique features, cost, example report, etc.)

Shoplifting Inventory

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The Shoplifting Inventory (SI) is a unique shoplifter test which assesses motivation, attitude and need. The Shoplifting Inventory (SI) consists of 185 items and takes 45 minutes to complete. The SI has nine (9) scales (measures): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Shoplifting Scale, 3. Entitlement Scale, 4. Peer Pressure Scale, 5. Impulsiveness Scale, 6. Self-Esteem Scale, 7. Antisocial Scale, 8. Alcohol Scale and 9. Drugs Scale. These nine Shoplifting Inventory (SI) scales explore areas of inquiry considered necessary for adequately understanding shoplifters. For more information (unique features, cost, example report, etc.)

SAQ-Adult Probation III

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Applications: The SAQ-Adult Probation III is an adult (male and female) probationer test. It is appropriate for misdemeanor and felony evaluations. It helps determine probationer risk, establish levels of supervision and ascertain needs. The SAQ-Adult Probation III is also used in substance abuse intake screening and violence assessment. It is also used to identify appropriate intervention, counseling and treatment options. The SAQ-Adult Probation III has 149 items and takes 30 minutes to complete. It has seven (7) measures (scales): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Violence (Lethality) Scale, 3. Antisocial Scale, 4. Aggressiveness Scale, 5. Alcohol Scale, 6. Drugs Scale and 7. Stress Coping Abilities or Stress Management Scale.

Veteran Information Profile

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The Veteran Information Profile (VIP) is a post-deployment screening instrument or civilian reintegration test that was designed for evaluators that counsel or assess veterans. The Veteran Information Profile or VIP incorporates eight veteran post-deployment scales (areas of inquiry): 1. Truthfulness Scale, 2. Civilian Reintegration Scale, 3. Self-Esteem Scale, 4. Depression Scale, 5. PTSD Scale, 6. Suicide Scale, 7. Alcohol Scale and 8. Drugs Scale. The VIP is a 163-item self-report test that takes around 30 minutes to complete. The VIP can be given on the computer or in paper-pencil test booklet format, which enables group testing. Regardless of how VIP tests are administered, all tests are scored online with reports scored and printed within 3 minutes of test data entry. VIP tests are conveniently accessible (24/7) and affordable.

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